Wednesday, May 14, 2008

N-sane Ninth!

Sorry for the lack of update, I have been soooooo busy with 6 hours a day of Spanish plus another 1-3 hours of studying every evening plus working out and sleeping haha! I don't have much to say other than Spanish is going remarkably better than I had thought, which is wonderful, but trust me it has not been easy! I will try to update later in the week!

Food for today's thought:
"Learn as much as you can while you are young, since life becomes too busy later." 
-Dana Stewert Scott

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Expressive Eighth.........

String of Beads
A heart that is heavy and burdened- it beats so fast...

Memories strung through a mind like beads of glass.

Shiny, sparkling, alluring to some,
Painful, blinding, taunting to one...

One who walked through every thought,
One whose life is made up of things lost.

At times one wants to unstring those beads,
To let them fall to the ground as they please...

Although the temptation is there, one knows that those thoughts must stay in the air.
Thoughts whether of pain or not, bring to us remedies sought.

Food for today's thought:
"Poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash."
-Leonard Cohen

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Sleepy Seventh...

Today I have been soo tired, I feel like I worked out all day long yesterday, which I kinda was what with lifting boxes and going up and down stairs and plus I stayed up 'til 3:30 this morning unpacking stuff, which I got a lot done, but today I have been exhausted! Hopefully I will get a second wind and finish unpacking everything before I start summer school on Tuesday!

Food for today's thought:
"There is a time for many words and there is also a time for sleep." 

Friday, May 2, 2008

Successful Sixth!

Well, today I completely finished moving out and into my new place!!!! I am sooo happy, and extremely tired! My mom and Jonathan (BF) helped me sooo much in getting out of my old place and getting into my new place, they were AWESOME!
I have a TON of organizing and unpacking to do, but its all here and I am looking forward to this new room and place with new people :)

Food for today's thought: 
"The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change." -Carl Rogers

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Frantic Fifth!

Today was moving day, and let me tell you it was crazy! U-Haul had all their trucks booked, so my sweet boyfriend went to Lowe's for me and rented a truck, it was $20 for 75 minutes and $5 for every 15 minutes after that...well we had it for 3 hours! God was looking out for us though because when we returned it to Lowe's, the girl who checked us in went to Lee, and was able to give it to us for the flat fee of $20 bucks and we didn't have to pay another dime! Thank the Lord!!! So, with the help of my sweet friends, all the big stuff has been moved to my new place, and there are only things that can be taken over in cars left, so we have a few more little trips and then there is the craziness of unpacking...My sweet mommy is coming up tomorrow to help me unpack and organize, which is a HUGE blessing because she is a great organizer! So, I am not sure where I am sleeping tonight, or where any of my stuff is lol, but I am excited about moving into a new phase of life...Keep me in your prayers guys, I need to work out my money situation for summer school! 

Much love,

Food for todays thought: 
"It is always the simple things that change our lives, and these things never happen when you are looking for them to happen. Life will reveal answers at the pace life wishes to do so. You feel like running, but life is on a stroll. This is how God does things." -Donald Miller