Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Thrilling Twenty-Fourth *UPDATE*

So, tonight Jonathan calls and asks if I want to go to dinner, I told him I couldn't afford it so he asks if I want to go to Starbucks, I say, OK. So we go and we talk for a bit and things are ok and then the convo heads toward the breakup and things start to get rough... Basically he doesn't see us ever getting back together as of right now, he says he loves me enough to let me go, although I find that hard to understand considering he didn't love me enough to LOVE ME while we were together, he didn't fight for the relationship.

I think he is somewhat relieved that its over...but he says he does love me, but since he has no answer from God, then he wants to let me go.
So, he told me that he wants to be friends, not like we were but just like call every now and then etc...I told him that I can't do it. I love him too much and it hurts too badly. I don't think he can possibly love me the way I love him otherwise he couldn't just be my friend...
Anyway we ended our friendship tonight, well, as
he says I ended it because he says he doesn't want us to not be friends. I wish we could be but right now it is impossible. I love him soo very much that I can't ever move on and still have him near me.
Well, I came home crying my eyes out after that whole ordeal and my sweet roomies were there to cheer me up... thats when I noticed my split-ends...they were really really bad, so I ask Courtney to trim my hair, and then I say, No lets hack it!!! So, we cut off about 7-8 inches! Jonathan always told me he LOVED my hair and begged me not to cut it, well screw that!!!

What do you think??? I LOVE IT! I feel like a 3 year weight was lifted off my shoulders, literally!!! I think I may go get it professionally trimmed today and get a little more angular with it :)

"All women need to have a breakup haircut. Many women swear by this almost as a rite of passage. Logically, it's the worst thing you can do after a breakup. You're irrational, you're emotional, you're everything you shouldn't be when you sit on that swivel chair and ask the stylist to chop off your locks. But what you get out of this simple act of a haircut is indescribable. It's almost a sense of liberation. Like the emancipation of that part of your life. You're chopping off a part of you. You're making a change. You're ready to start anew. The old you is being swept up by the bottom-of-the-food-chain intern at the hair salon and thrown in the garbage bin.
For good.
All women need a breakup haircut." -Random girl on Blogger.

SO after I posted this I decided to go get another hair cut, and here it is... I am not in love with it, they cut the long angles I wanted in the front, and so I'm really disappointed in it, but my best friend is a hairdresser an is coming in a few days to stay with me and I am going to have her fix it :)


Unknown said...

LOVE IT! Good move - both on the hair and the friend thing. I'll tell you what my daddy always told me when a guy wanted to be friends after a breakup: Cut the dog's tail off with one good whack, not a piece at a time - it's a lot less painful. The saying came from a story Dr. Walker used to tell from the pulpit. I have no idea how he incorporated that into sermons, but I bet your Granddaddy does. Anyway, if you keep seeing him as friends you will keep bringing that pain to the surface. It may lessen over time, but I think it is better to get one big hurt out of the way and be done with it. You're a smart girl. And now you are a smart girl with a smart haircut! Where is that resume??? Love you SO SO SO much, SB

Anonymous said...

i LOOOOVE IT! haha, you always chop off your hair after stuff like this happens. anyone remember the hair cuttage and dyeage after your dad died?

good job this time though, it really suits you. i may have to go do something drastic too, like go blonde!

Zoe said...

Well hi, Yes, I like it. And, while it did happen to fall after the breakup, you have been thinking of it for a while. And it doesn't cut you off at the jaw, which is great! I'm going to resist the temptation to follow suit and try to keep my long locks for just a little bit longer. Say, till next September. ;)